#120 El Dorado Tennis Center, Long Beach

Such a great way to commemorate reaching the halfway point –120 courts played; 120 to go!

This was as giddy a good time as I’ve had on the quest, playing all kinds of tennis games and making new friends at the All-Love Fortune pop-up tennis clinic.

There musta been a good hundred people out there total on a weird-is-now-normal weather drizzly last day of September. When the rain started to be a thing we picked up all the balls and huddled under a tent where the bouncy MC asked who’s here from H-town and who’s here from the ATL. I stood up for Flushing, Queens.

Then, amid impromptu dance recitals, we shared our astrological signs accentuating what is lovable about each. As the MC noted, our good vibe made the rain let up so we went back to zooming around swatting and laughing. For three hours!

In the course of the day I met a fellow player named Zon. I told her the good news that my last name is goZONsky and she replied that Zon means “creative” in Hebrew. Rarely have I felt so seen. Never have I been happier to limp off a court. It was really like being at a big tennis party accompanied by hip-hop from back in the day.

PHOTO CREDIT: Shante’ Nichol Patterson, @taenichol

One response to “#120 El Dorado Tennis Center, Long Beach”

  1. I see Grand Master Flash chanting the words ” Travel to your creative place”. (Go-Zon-Sky).
    I see 120 as an abundant number
    I see joy in standing up for Flushing, Queens!

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